What is an AFCI?
An AFCI is an arc-fault circuit interrupter and its job is to stop electric flow when an "arc" or surge is detected. This would happen if wires are damaged.
Typically, AFCI's come in the form of circuit breakers and are installed in newer electrical panels. AFCI's protect bedroom circuits in most cases.
What is a GFCI?
A GFCI is kind of like an AFCI. However, GFCI are for ground faults. This means the electric current takes a different path other than what is in the circuit. For instance, if an appliance malfunctions and then shocks a person. A GFCI in that case, would sense the different path of electric current and stop electric flow or "trip".
GFCI's are required to be around water so, think in bathrooms and kitchens. If you would like to read more about GFCI's, click here.
Is My Panel Safe?
This is a very important question to ask and you should pay attention to anything out of the ordinary and call an Electrician immediately
However, in most cases, this is what could make your panel unsafe:
Federal Pacific PanelsSylvania/Zinsco PanelsChallenger PanelsFuse BoxesDouble TapsCloth wiringAluminum WiringDo I have enough service amps to supply my home or business?In most cases, your home only needs 150 amps, but it depends on the size and the type of appliances. For instance, an older condo with gas appliances may only need 100 amps! On the other hand, a brand new building with heavy duty electric appliances, commercial products, and other electrical appliances may need 200 amps or more.
It's important to speak with an electrician if you are suspecting you do not have enough amps to service your home or business.
Why Are My Lights Flickering?If your lights are not LED bulbs, this can be because they have a loose connection somewhere. Either from the socket, in the panel, or in the wiring. This can lead to shorts in the wiring. If you do have LED bulbs and your lights are flickering, this is mostly due to the bulbs themselves. Replacement would be recommended immediately. A lot of times brand new homes have LED bulbs that flicker because they are cheaper bulbs.
Why Do My Breakers Keep Tripping?Breakers can trip simply because they are worn out or older. However, they could also be tripping because of an underlying problem with a wire or an appliance. Check the circuit and appliances the breaker is on to see if that could be the root of the issue.
In most cases, breakers are cheap and just have to be replaced overtime.
Call us today at 571-288-7316 for any repair or replacement job serving Woodbridge, VA and the surrounding DMV area including DC.